In Texas - Bail Bond Conditions and Issuance Vary County by County & Court by Court!

Yes - its 2023, the internet is strong therefore no longer requiring each Texas County to await paper copies of new laws but yet each Texas county manages and issues Bail Bonds drastically different. Texas law basically states theoretical “goals” and “considerations” that each Texas County and Court are supposed to “adhere to” thus theoretically creating consistency but which in reality means that Judges can basically do as they see fit only to have their decisions rarely overturned on appeal for only the most of extreme decisions.

So, for example - for one specific type of Felony - one Texas County will typically issue a $10,000 Bond while another smaller neighboring Texas County would issue a $50,000 Bond. Yes, somewhat extreme but permitted. This also goes for the required conditions that must be followed if Bond is made.

This extreme variance also occurs in different Courts all within the same County.

I could go on forever giving different examples but the point is made.

So do not be disappointed or pleased if your loved one’s Bond Issuance or Bond Conditions are different than what was expected or from what others have told you to expect.

Two good sources to get an idea of what the Bond Issuance or Bond Conditions will typically be are local defense attorneys and/or local bail bondsmen.

But if the bond issuance is to high there are steps that can be take as previously discussed and as will be discussed again in upcoming videos. This video content can also be viewed here: Who Decides the Initial Bond & Can It Be Lowered? But in order to assist in these type of situations is why we launched the below Bail Bond Marketplace that assists in obtaining the best Bail Bond terms to help ensure you can obtain the release of your loved one.


Now, if your family member needs a Bond so they can be released and look for counsel utilize our competitive Bail Bond Marketplace here:

Likewise, if your family member needs a court appointed attorney utilize our sister service that enables a defendant with the tool needed to make such request with the Judge:


In Texas What Do I File With the Court to Get A Bond?


In Texas - On Bond Then New "Charges" or New "Case" Filed From Same Facts - Now What?