Just FYI - “Bonds” - There are Different Types

Generally speaking, in Texas there are numerous types of “Bonds”. So if listening to the news or reading social media just keep this in mind if concerned about how the Texas Justice System operates.

  • Investment “Bonds”: Think investment such has Federal Treasury Bonds; Municipal Bonds; Corporate Loan Bonds. These are financial investments with the intent to make profit.

  • Transaction/Construction “Bonds”: These are completed to ensure the quality of a contracted job such as in construction, professional services or real estate transactions.

  • Surety “Bonds”: From our frame of reference these are the types where Bail Bond Companies promise the Court to pay the designated amount if an Arrestee is released and does not appear in Court.


So, finally, if your family member needs a Bond so they can be released and look for counsel please utilize our competitive bail bond marketplace here: BailBondBidsNow.com

Likewise, if your family member needs a court appointed attorney utilize our sister service that enables a defendant with the tool needed to make such request with the Judge: SelectYourCourtAppointedAttorneyNow.com


Texas - Initial Theoretical 48 Hours After Arrest


In Denton County, Texas After Making Bond May I Request A Specific “Court Appointed Attorney”?