Just Like His Shows Are NOT Reality - Neither Is His Trial (At Least For Everyone Else)

It is common on the news cycle the great “Due Process”; Protections and Procedures that are given our former President. That is great for him but unfortunately nothing like this occurs for us mere Mortals. For example:

  • Numerous Pretrial Motions: Most of these Pretrial Motions made to keep evidence out, obtain case dismissal or to simply slow the process down would be considered, heard and rarely have live testimony usually in a matter of hours if not minutes. Any other mere Mortal would not even have the marjority of these Motions considered more than 38 second by the Judge. We have had Judges complete full murder trials in less than 4 full days.

  • Interlocutory Appeals: These are appeals filed prior to a final case outcome. Some are statutorily permitted while others are at the discretion of the Judge. But to continue (pause) the original trial dates to allow such appeals to commence and be concluded are in all probability a benefit that only a select few in this country are afforded.

  • Contempt: Its amazing that the Court has allowed actions that violate a Court’s order to continue with basically nothing more than a scolding (yes a few $K’s but not an issue for this defendant). Again, any other Mortal would be a guest at the county jail for much less.

We could go on for pages but acknowledging that none of these perfect world scenarios exists for us Normal Folk we must take every real world advantage that we can obtain especially when a loved one is defending against the great power of the State. One of these last remaining real world advantages is making Bond so that our loved one can at least have minimal opportunity to defend themselves in court. This is why we created BailBondBidsNow.com where Bondsmen compete .


So, finally, if your family member needs a Bond so they can be released and look for counsel please utilize our competitive bail bond marketplace here: BailBondBidsNow.com

Likewise, if your family member needs a court appointed attorney utilize our sister service that enables a defendant with the tool needed to make such request with the Judge: SelectYourCourtAppointedAttorneyNow.com


Texas Post Conviction - Is a “10 Year TDCJ Sentence “Really “10 Years”?


Texas - Initial Theoretical 48 Hours After Arrest