How Do New Charge(s) From the Same Facts Affect Someone Currently Out on Bond?

At times after making bond state prosecutors can decide to add new charges on the same facts. This can be done in one of two ways as follows:

  • Add New Charge(s) to the Current Case - Under different circumstances prosecutors can simply add additional charges to the current court case.

  • File a New Court Case with the New Charge(s) - Under other circumstances prosecutors can decide to file new charges under a separate and new court case.

How do these new charge(s) affect an Arrestee currently out on bond?

  • Prosecutors Added New Charge(s) to the Current Case - If this occurs the court (on its own) or the prosecutors can request that the current bond be found “Insufficient” thus requiring additional bond to be made on the new charge(s).

  • Prosecutors Filed a New Court Case with the New Charge(s) - If this occurs then the Arrestee will need to make a brand new bond on the new case.

How to prepare for potential new charges?

  • The addition of new charges does not happen on the majority of court cases but it is not uncommon.

  • This procedure is also an unofficial way that prosecutors seek to keep someone incarcerated knowing that most Arrestee’s cannot afford to keep making multiple bonds.

  • If an Arrestee’s family believes that new charges could potentially be filed it is wise to work out an agreement or understanding with the Bonding Company that any new charges will be satisfied under the same current bond conditions and/or for certain additional agreed terms and pricing.

In an effort to find the best terms for acquiring bond by completing information once followed by Bonding Companies competing to serve you can be found here at


Can A Non-Citizen Arrestee Be Bonded Out?


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