Texas - Evidence Needed to Request a Lower Bond From the Court

Quick explanation being provided by BailBondBidsNow.com -

When an Arrestee in Texas is unable to make bond they or their attorney can file a Writ of Habeas Corpus - a fancy name for requesting that the Court lower the current bond amount. The Court is supposed to consider what bond amount will insure the Arrestee will return to court and not present a danger to the community. In order to have the best chance at lowering the bond certain things might want to be filed with the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Some of these sample items that might be helpful if submitted with the Writ are as follows:

  • List of individuals who will vouch for your future court appearance

  • Any locally owned property

  • Proof of continued employment

  • Proof of available residence

  • Proof of local family ties

  • Proof of lack of criminal history

  • Proof of enrolled counseling if released

These are just a sampling of items that the Court can consider when deciding if to lower one’s bond. Be sure to think this through when preparing your Writ or preparing with your attorney.

Finally, remember that at BailBondBidsNow.com you can insert some basic information one time followed by local Bondmen competing to offer the best terms for the release of your family member.


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