Texas - AI vs. Attorney Answer to “Does Making Bail Truly Help In A Criminal Case?”

Quick comparison being provided by BailBondBidsNow.com -

AI Answer:

“Making bail can have both advantages and disadvantages in a criminal case, and its impact can vary depending on the circumstances. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Pre-trial freedom: Posting bail allows the accused to be released from custody while awaiting trial. This means they can return to their daily lives, continue working, and prepare their defense more effectively. Remaining in jail can lead to difficulties in accessing legal resources and communicating with lawyers.

  2. Presumption of innocence: Making bail reinforces the principle of "innocent until proven guilty." By securing release, the accused can avoid prolonged incarceration before a conviction and maintain a semblance of normalcy in their life.

  3. Preparing a defense: Being out on bail allows the accused to work closely with their legal team to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and build a strong defense strategy. It can be challenging to adequately prepare for a trial while in custody.

  4. Plea negotiations: If the accused wishes to negotiate a plea deal, being out on bail can provide an opportunity to engage in discussions with prosecutors and potentially negotiate a more favorable outcome. In some cases, the time spent on bail may be factored into any potential sentence.”

Attorney Answer:

We could almost stop after AI states “disadvantages”. There are very few if any “disadvantages” if any with the exception of jumping bail, re-arrest, etc.

But with all the correct but formal jargon above - the reality is that a client on Bond has much much much better odds on any plea agreement let alone trial preparation. Attempting to prepare for trial through a 2 inch glass and an 18 inch corded phone that you can barely hear is near impossible and is truly an injustice but sadly is whats permitted.

So in short, if someone is arrested bond is almost essential to obtaining a better (not necessarily great) level of justice.


Attrorney - explains the true real life benefit versus legal jargon.


Finally, remember that if arrested check out BailBondBidsNow.com where you can insert basic information one time followed by local Bondmen competing to offer the best terms for the release of your family member.


Where Is An Arrestee Held in Denton County, Texas?


Texas - AI vs. Attorney Answer to “Can I Pay a Texas Bail Bond Myself?”