Texas - What Does Making Bond Have to Do With “Exculpatory Evidence”

Quick explanation being provided by BailBondBidsNow.com -

Remember, in Texas Prosecutors and Police only legally need provide a Defendant or Defendant’s counsel evidence that they have that either helps establish a Defendant’s guilt or innocence. Evidence that favors potential innocence is legally identified as being “Exculpatory Evidence.” But this is the kicker………Prosecutors and Police are not obligated to pursue, identify of seek out evidence that establishes innocence. Again, Prosecutors and Police only need to legally provide “Exculpatory Evidence” that they already have that potentially establishes innocence. Prosecutors and Police need not follow or investigate leads or ideas that potentially establish potential innocence.

This is why making Bond is almost essential. This allows a Defendant, a Defendant’s family and/or Defendant’s counsel the ability to go out and obtain their own evidence to establish a lack of guilt.

For example, as a former defense attorney we have discovered numerous times outside police reports that establish that an alleged victim previously made numerous other false allegations against other individuals. The Prosecutors and Police never provided this as they were under no obligation to go out and seek or acquire this evidence.

So, after making Bond please seek out counsel and/or obtain potential “Exculpatory” evidence since evidence tends to disappear and/or fade with time.

Finally, remember that if arrested check out BailBondBidsNow.com where you can insert basic information one time followed by local Bondmen competing to offer the best terms for the release of your family member.


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