Texas - Is Making Bond Vital for Good Legal Defense Representation?

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Texas - Is Making Bond Vital for Good Legal Defense Representation?

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“Hello everyone Rey here from bailbondbiznow.com. A recovering criminal lawyer. Anyways people always ask me - you know why is making Bond so important. In fact I would contend that it's not important but it is absolutely vital. Let's be real here. For many years I did court appointments appointments as many young attorneys do and as well as the majority of the criminal attorneys also do.  Especially those attorneys that are focused in the area of criminal law. It is hard it is hard when somebody remains in jail a awaiting trial and you're trying to prepare for trial.  The reality of it is trying to go to the jail to talk to them whether they are either wearing chains or they're in one small room with only a desk and sometimes when they're through a three inch glass with only  a 12 inch corded phone and you're trying to communicate with them while holding up a piece of paper of a police report trying to help them substantiate their position.  And many times it's hard while you wait in jails to try to talk to your client.  An attorney can easily wait hours.  The time and the effort is there but there's only so much you can do whenever they are not released from jail.   And many of people are either wrongfully convicted or overly convicted of something and are punished much harder than something they really did do.  And many times -  let's just be real -  is because they are sitting in jail as opposed to somebody that is out on bond.  Also when somebody's out on bond it is statistically shown that the the findings of guilt are much lower in addition to the sentences being much lower. I know it can be difficult especially when a loved one is wrongfully charged and I know it's difficult calling numerous bondsmen and they're all trying to maximize their resources and that's understandable but we would suggest and that's why we built BailBondbisNow.com.  You can go there, put in your loved ones information one time and then that allow the bail bond companies to compete against each other because they don't know what each other are bidding and they can give different terms - be it price - maybe they'll allow you to use collateral to lower the price - maybe they'll give payment terms and you can do it all at one time in order to try to save your funds and in order to try to get your loved one out. That was the intent and one of the reasons that we built this tool.  So hopefully this helps. And it's just a tidbit of reality and I know nobody likes to discuss it and no practicing attorney would openly say this because if they do things happen -  they might lose court appointments - uh things like this fact are not personally appreciated by courts, appointed counsel let alone retained counsel.  So I just want to give you all some real facts on how it is and hopefully this helps.  Thanks for listening. Take care - bye-bye.”


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