Texas - Initial Theoretical 48 Hours After Arrest - Video Explanation

No time to read - here is a quick YouTube video explanation provided by BailBondBidsNow.com -

Texas - Initial Theoretical 48 Hours After Arrest

For convenience and if helpful, below is also a quick reading Transcript of the above video:

“Hello everyone this is Rey from BailBondBidsnow.com. As a recovering criminal lawyer I’m just going to tell you a little bit about the magistrate process when somebody is arrested. When somebody's arrested they have certain rights. They're usually going tobe taken to someone called a magistrate and that magistrate can actually be a municipal - a city -  judge or it can also be a Magistrate Judge that's appointed by um by the actual state judge or it could be a state judge themselves and within that arrest.  Theoretically within 48 hours they're supposed to read you your rights and tell you that you have the right to Counsel. Now more importantly is normally this Texas everyday processes is supposed to occur within 48 hours. That magistrate will usually also issue a bond. They can give a case bond and they can also give a personal recognizance bond which means you don't have to pay your release and on your own word promise to come back to court.  They can also do a no bond and if they don't set a bond then that person will have to actually file a writ of habeas corpus with the actual Criminal Court to try to have a bonds set for them. But anyways that's enough for now. Just wanted to keep everybody informed iif they were curious about the initial 48 hours or the theoretical 48 hours after arrest. Thanks guys.”


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