Texas - What If My Bail Bond Is To High?

No time to read - here is a quick YouTube video explanation provided by BailBondBidsNow.com -

Texas - What if my Bail Bond is to High?

For convenience and if helpful, below is also a quick reading Transcript of the above video:

“Hi everyone - one question that normally comes up is what if you or your relative’s bond is too high after arrest and if that magistrate does not issue a bond. As I previously said in one of our other videos you will actually have to file a writ of habeas corpus which is a fancy word for basically a motion and that will go to the actual criminal court here in Texas.   That would be a Texas district court or a Texas criminal county court or a Texas county court of law.  There you'd file that motion basically asking that Court to set a reasonable bond since the issuance of bond is theoretically not meant to cause punishment but is meant to ensure you or your relative’s court appearance and that you or your relative will go to court and will not basically “go on the run”.   Now generally speaking, if they set a bond being ten thousand or twenty thousand you can either give that cash to the local sheriff who will hold it and then when the case is over and you or your relative are put on probation or someone is found not guilty or goes to jail or prison then that money will be released back to the person who made the bond.   If an individual doesn't have enough money they can go to a bondsman where basically you can negotiate a certain percentage of that bond to pay them.  Then  that bonding company will basically be the insurance for the court in case you or your relative do not appear.  They will file for release and they will be on the hook if your loved one does not appear in court.  And it’s usually very common for family members to call numerous bondsmen and give each one them the same information again and again and again trying to get different terms because bondsmen can give different prices and can also give different terms not only being a  lower price but sometimes requiring that temporary collateral be provided such as a title to a car or a title to your house. They don't do it all the time but they will depending on the size of the bond. Sometimes some bondsmen will give payment plan while otheres will give a lower amount but they want it paid all up front.  So there's a litany of ways.  Everybody calls all these bondsmen and from experience it will typically take one to  two full days for a relative to try to get their loved one out. Now, if you want to circumvent all that -  then the easy ways is to go to bailbondbidsnow.com where you can put information in one time then the bonding companies will look at the provided information and will then try to give you the best terms and/or the lowest prices since they're competing against each other and they don't know what the other bonding companies are bidding.  So hopefully the matches will give you the best price or the best terms or the best use of collateral.  Anyways, bailbondbidsnow.com is here to help you out in those situations and thank you for watching. I hope this helps your loved one.”


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