Texas - Do Elected Felony Judges Have Any “Self-Interest” In Deciding to Lower a Bond? No, Unless They Are Human!

Quick explanation being provided by BailBondBidsNow.com -

AI Answer:

In Texas, Elected District Court Judges (felony courts) have a BASE, yes a BASE salary of over $162,000.00 per year not including benefits and supplemental income/stipends provided by the county, state and/or other boards/associations. For example, in many counties District Court Judges get supplemental county income for sitting on the county Juvenile Board though many do not hear Juvenile cases.

Now in order to get to retirement and generally obtain 50% of their pay for the remainder of their lives Texas District Judges must serve at least 12 years which means they must prevail in at least 3 if not more elections.

Now, lets be real, regardless of written law there is the law of nature and self-preservation. Any Judge not prepared to retire is always in their inner self regardless of admission concerned that the lowering of a bond that enables an Arrestee to be released comes with a degree of danger to that Judge’s self-interest. If that Arrestee commits another serious crime that makes the headlines it will undoubtedly be traced back to that Judge’s decision to lower bond thus making that Judge ripe to an election opponent.

Now, remember, many Texas District Judges were either career Prosecutors and thus have never had to “feed at the trough” by defending clients and needing to financially survive by developing their own business. Likewise, other Texas District Judges from prior career experience know the financial challenges of “feeding at the trough” through a combination of obtaining retained clients as well as seeking indigent court appointments. I would venture to say that any true practicing criminal counsel would confirm that being a Texas District Judge is definitely a “good if not a great deal” compared to the financial, legal and time stresses of defending the accused on a daily basis.

So, what can an Arrestee do knowing this - nothing directly - BUT prepare their evidence and argument to lower their bond by presenting a scenario that helps lower this “open secret” of a concern that nearly all Judges who are human possess though will never admit such. Work with an attorney to present a factual scenario (positive work history, rehabilitation options, witnesses, etc.) that will reduce this “threat” to a Judge’s financial well being.

Finally, remember that if arrested check out BailBondBidsNow.com where you can insert basic information one time followed by local Bondmen competing to offer the best terms for the release of your family member.


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