Texas - Arrested While Driving - So I Need to Make Bond But What About My Car?

Quick explanation being provided by BailBondBidsNow.com -

Generally, what happens to your vehicle will depend on a few things. There are specific regulations controlling but those differ a bit from reality. Here are a few of the likely scenarios:

  • Another Eligible Adult Driver: vehicle usually released to them (unless its evidence)

  • No Other Eligible Adult Driver: vehicle towed (and possibly inventoried)

  • Eligible Adult Driver Close By: sometimes officer’s permit (depending on factors)

Regardless of towing sometimes the officers will inventory (investigate) the car’s content:

  • Arrested on Existing Warrant: generally only towed without inventory

  • Arrested on New Allegation: generally towed and inventoried

So, generally, if arrested immediately work on making Bond but do not forget about the vehicle. Be prepared in case officer’s take inventory and find any particular type of items. Take immediate initiative as the towing company will charge a daily rate which will become expensive. The officer’s should provide information on the towing company. If not have someone else contact the arresting agency to make inquiry into which towing company is maintaining the vehicle but DO NOT discuss the arrest!

Finally, remember that if arrested check out BailBondBidsNow.com where you can insert basic information one time followed by local Bondmen competing to offer the best terms for the release of your family member.


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